Saturday, August 31, 2019

Guest Lecture

Distinguished Guests Students and Participants Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning. I am really privileged to have the pleasant task of welcoming the distinguished gathering for today’s guest lecture {on ‘HUMAN RESOURCE APPLICATION IN ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY’}. On behalf of ———– and on my own behalf, I warmly and respectfully welcome the Chief Guest, Hon’ble ——————. We are indeed grateful to him for graciously and readily accepting our invitation.Nevertheless,we are highly honoured that our Hon’ble DEAN(HRD) ———– Sir is amongst us today. As you all know, our DEAN(HRD) Sir , wants to have a vibrant academicatmosphere in the college by conducting various seminars, paper presentations, group discussions and guest lectures. Guest lectures are part and parcel of having such vibrant academic atmosphere. In today's environment, hoarding knowledge ultimately er odes your power.If you know something very important, the way to get power is by actually sharing it. Thus, Guest Lecture is a way of enriching you students with the latest updates of the Industries and Technicalities. The Students are bestowed with knowledge about Industry needs, latest technical updates, Avenues for Higher studies etc. Todays guest lectures would certainly help us to dwell deep into the subject rather than having a superficial understanding of the subject.I suggest you all to be interactive through out the seminar rather than being passive listeners. The more interest you show the more benefit you gain from this lecture . I don’t want to take much time as I know that you are eagerly waiting to listen to his lecture. Before I conclude, I once again thank the management, DEAN(HRD) sir and the whole team of ——- for setting up a right platform for us to brain storm on this topic. Thank you.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Evangelism and Business Essay

A business is bounded with many obstacles just like experienced in act of making disciples. The commission of Jesus to the Christians to go make the disciples of all nations is like an entrepreneur who dares to venture into a new business. God is like a cook when it comes to making of disciples. The world is God’s kitchen where He does the preparation. This task comes with a lot of risks and challenges such as opposition, persecution and rejection. To begin with, just like in the task of making the disciples, a business venture experiences tough times; time of slow growth or even close down. The times when the church experienced persecution compares to the time when a business is experiencing heavy loses. If the loses become so big the business owner would even think of closing down. Just like the persecution that was experienced by the church in the early years of Christianity that seemed as though they were aimed at completely facing out the church. Endurance is expected during all these tough times. As the bible puts it â€Å"fix our eyes on Jesus† and â€Å"run with endurance the race that is set before us† (Hebrews 12: 1-2), it therefore requires a business owner to hold on despite the tough times. A business owner needs the motivation to help him/her move on. This can be derived from teachings of Paul to the Philippines saying, â€Å"[We] can do all things through Christ who strengthens [us]. (Phil 4:13). Times of smooth and flawless growth always come despite all odds. In business, this is the time when one experiences no hitches. Its time when one reaps good profits from his ventures and all goes well; the business expands and returns are high. This compares to the time when the church experiences no obstacles and is growing like the raging fire. These are times when evangelism does not seem challenging and men are fired up, ready to go to any corner of the world to spread the gospel to everyone (acts 21:8). Just like the way a business owner delights in the achievements growth, God too delights when one earnestly spreads His messages in evangelism. Jesus puts it to the disciples that He delights and rejoices with them in their pursuit for his word (Philippians 12:17-18). Reference Holy Bible, New International Version, (1984). International Bible Society

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway by  Virginia Woolf

Analysis of Mrs Dalloway Analysis published in 1925 by the Virginia Wolf Lady Dallo Wife in the summer of 1923, five years after the end of the First World War, a place deeply psychologically closer to the city of UK society I'm waiting. Arranging a book at the Clarissa Dalloway party from the morning will be over when the guest departs at night. There are many flashbacks that you can learn of each character's past, but it will not leave that range for hours. Relationship with women in Virginia Woolf Clarissa Dalway, the wife of Daloay, the central figure of Florence wool's dull off, is a complex person and the relationship with other women represents her own contemplation. Her personality For a long time, by focusing on several roles, everyone has a connection with Clarissa. Clarissa skillfully depicts the way women interact. Mrs. Wei is a novel that explores the sex and gender world in the social structure of London through Clarissa and Septimus after the war. The title of the nove l suggests the state and assumptions about what inevitable structure Clarissa pays particular attention, what women mean. A series of special choices by Clarissa and Septimus is shocking Written in 1925 and wife Mrs. Virginia Woolf's wife Dalloway is a romantic drama, in the summer of 1923, it is a five year after the end of World War I, the English city in the international community is deep psychological It has an approach. From morning, Clarissa Darrowway will hold a party and will end when all guests come out in the evening. There we have a lot of memories that can tell the past of each character There is concern that it will not leave the scope of the wife Mrs. Virginia Woolf Mrs Florencia Virginia  · Wolf Darrowway Bloomsbury writer or thinker etc around A group of problems. Issues amenable to both problems throughout the novel, classes, insanity and myths. This is not a complete list, but these concepts seem to constitute the core of the new structure. I am in this world to confirm sanity and insanity when designing this project, trying to study suicide and madness Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway Imagination is a weapon in reality. - In particular the 1925 novel by Virginia Woolf, one of Britain's most tragedies Mrs. Dalloway It was the first World War I The upper class in London is in sharp contrast to the impact of shot impact of war veteran Septimus Smith For the upper class members the influence of war is mainly indirect, It mainly affects conversation in a luxurious social situation.The representative work of independent literary movement: modernism and postmodern.It completely defines these two movements, or these two operations are modernism It is not the purpose of this article to discuss whether or not it is truly representative of post-modern classification. Working in the context of each tradition

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Qualities of Successful Marriages Personal Statement

Qualities of Successful Marriages - Personal Statement Example But they have become the best of companions while respecting and incorporating each other's differences. What I learned from my family's positive example has translated into my relationships with friends and boyfriends. I try to keep an open mind so that I can enjoy what they enjoy and really be part of their life. During my early teenage years I went through a phase of thinking that I needed to have as many friends as possible to seem "popular." This led me to choose quantity over quality and although I became "friends" with more people, the depth of each friendship became less and less. I could tell what was happening because I barely spent time with the close friends I had before. I went back to the way I was before, because being a really good companion felt better than being a companion to lots of people. This is a lesson that I hope to remember throughout my life so that all of my relationships with people are deep and meaningful. One of my first major relationships was not a very honest one. I cheated on him a lot, and lied about it. But I think I may have been hurting myself more than I was hurting him. The complications of that relationship have created problems in more recent relationships. Because I cheated on someone and he didn't know about it for such a long time, I started to think about the possibility and likelihood of it happening to me. My own actions have led me to paranoia and an inability to trust trustworthy people. Every time a boyfriend tells me about his day, I find myself questioning the reality of his story. I have noticed this in other Hispanic girls and think it may be true of me also that my parents are very overprotective of me when it comes to boys. This has led me to lie to my parents on more than one occasion about where I am and who I'm with. The lies I used to tell my parents led to a lot of hurt, both on their side and mine. What I have taken from my past is a stronger personal adherence to honesty. I have experienced first-hand the bad things that come from dishonesty and now know how important it is to be honest. I still have trouble trusting people who have done nothing bad to earn my distrust, so there is certainly room to grow. I think that as I continue being honest and surrounding myself in positive, honest relationships, I will regain my trust in other people. Responsibility Because my parents were so overprotective of me, I was always trying to prove to them and myself that I was independent. This need for independence led me to do responsible things. I started taking care of younger children as a babysitter when I was only thirteen, and got a "real job" when I was old enough. I was always on time to work and never missed a day. This responsibility was also reflected in school, as I always did my homework and made good grades. I reached a rebellious point in my life (perhaps because now my parents expected me to be responsible and I always wanted to disprove them) and I started to disregard my schoolwork and job commitments. I quickly realized that my irresponsibility had no positive benefits and only made me feel bad about myself, so my rebellious phase was short-lived. I also think that my job as a babysitter helped me know what it was like to be responsible for other people. As a youngest child, I never had any younger siblings to take care of and be responsible

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Structure of Society and Social Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Structure of Society and Social Policy - Essay Example The relevance of this trait to programs for the elderly is that the high percentage of young people shifts government policy priorities away from the needs of older persons (Schulz, 2005). Creating new jobs for young people is much more of a state problem than meeting the service needs of older people. Government attention in health care is also more focused on reducing infant mortality rates than in developing geriatric medical care. The family is the social unit with primary responsibility for the care. This is consistent with social, cultural, and religious mores. Although reliance on the family to care for elderly members has subsided in recent years, for reasons discussed later, there is a pervasive understanding that government policy should be designed to bolster the role of family care (LaVeist, 2002). Low class people often incur higher out-of-pocket costs for medical care and have fewer choices among health care providers. Theoretically critics accepts this to result in fewer health care contacts, far fewer of the routine examinations that are so important for early detection of potential problems, and greater delay in seeking care when ill. Research has found this to be true (Schulz, 2005). Considering the ultimate cost of poor health, it is also uneconomic. The issue of poverty, a major contributing factor to poor health and one that impacts more severely on poor people, is simply too far beyond our purview to treat here. However, it bears remarking that some of the recommendations, in fact, poverty reduction measures. For example, policies that would lead to a reduction in drug and alcohol abuse would also lead to a reduction in poverty, for just as substance abuse is partly a result of poverty, so is it also partly a cause. Even more effective as poverty reduction devices ar e policy proposals yet to appear. Although their primary purpose is to relieve other problems, measures such as family planning services, teen pregnancy prevention programs, parent training classes, infant stimulation programs and early childhood education all attack poverty at its roots. Good education and high paid job leads to social mobility and allows a person to maintain high standards of living and receive better medical help (Schulz, 2005). 2. Social class determines the level of medical care and dietary patterns available for people. Life span has long been the thermometer used to measure the health of the public. Only in this case, assuming quality of life is maintained, elevation indicates better health. We have come to expect greater longevity as one of the benefits of continued economic development. A fall in life expectancies is cause for alarm. Fortunately, this has happened only rarely. Poverty makes it more difficult to lead a healthy life. Shelter and diet may be inadequate. Neighborhood air quality may be poor. Life is generally more stressful. Few people consciously choose to live a life of poverty, but people can and do make unhealthy lifestyle choices. People who are poor and less educated tend to make them more often, perhaps because of lesser understanding of the possible consequences (Schulz, 2005). More likely it is because some of those choices provide considerable utility, particularly in the very sh ort run and particularly to persons whose long-run expectations are low. Poor nutrition can be deadly (LaVeist, 2002). The traditional diet,

Monday, August 26, 2019

Comparing and Contrasting Christianity and Catholicism Research Paper

Comparing and Contrasting Christianity and Catholicism - Research Paper Example   However, regrettably, Protestants have often been heard saying, â€Å"Catholics are not Christians,† but Catholics have never, to the best of this student’s knowledge, been heard to retaliate. As a starting point, and without digging deeply into theological tenants, it might help for comparison and contrasting purposes to get a simple definition of Christian. The Evangelical Church of America (2011) states that â€Å"Christianity is one of the world’s major monotheistic religions. Christians believe in Jesus Christ and follow his teachings. We believe that Jesus is God’s own son, sent to become human. As the son of God, Jesus is divine.† So using this simple and incomplete definition of Christianity, a look is in order to find what differences may exist between Catholics and Christians. To this student, the answer to a question on â€Å"Is There a Difference Between Catholic and Christian† (2011) tells the whole story. It says, â€Å"There are many Christian denominations and churches Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist. Being a member of one doesn’t determine whether one is a Christian. The real issue is whether the person has Jesus living inside of him...If they actually have a personal relationship with God.† Note that this author also lists Catholics with various Protestant denominations. Looking for differences between Christianity and Catholicism, one can find a few, most of the little consequence. For instance, Catholics believe in seven Sacraments (holy moments); namely, baptism, Eucharist, confirmation, marriage, ordination, reconciliation/confession and anointing of the sick, which not all Christian denominations do. Furthermore, Catholics believe that Saint Mary, the greatest saint of all, and did not sin while other Christians, although respecting Mary as the mother of Jesus believe that she sinned the same as anyone else.  Ã‚  

Re-Thinking Marxs History Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Re-Thinking Marxs History Theory - Essay Example From this study it is clear that  both accounts hold one thing; that social classes are responsible for changes in human history. He also notes that conflict of contradiction is the root of historical change, which is the case in both propositions. In his explanations, there is a striking acceptance that humans are different from other animals because apart from adjusting to their environments, they establish constant relationships with them. According to both accounts, men are in constant bids to transform themselves through production and only do so while associating with others. Such relationships as the ones established between people and their environments become manifest in human relationships.  This study stresses that  there is some form of variation between the two theories, which emanates from the idea of self-consciousness. As much as there is an acknowledgement of the effect of social class, The German Ideology considers production as being the main cause of histori cal transformations. Marx still considers contradictions as the cause of history, but in a different format from the 18th Brumaire. According to German Ideology, true socialism evolved from the continued conflicts within the capitalist economies such as those of France. At that time, France was more economically advanced than Germany, his home country. In the same, Marx considered that all forms of conciseness, which is the basis of revolution, lies in the identity of social class.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Nursing Informatics FACT Sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Informatics FACT Sheet - Essay Example rmation required does not pertain only to technical knowledge, scientific development, quality control, clinical and administrative documentation, but also extends to the domains of human materials and resources and their availability for the delivery of the required nursing care (Marin, 2005). Information technology began to be used for processing the vast amount of information as a part of nursing care. Nursing informatics evolved from a nice-to-have accessory to nursing to the current status of an essential part of the nursing profession (Simpson, 2007). The two main catalysts in the development of nursing informatics have been the federal initiatives that have encouraged the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and the evidence that suggests clinical information systems improve processes that lead to better patient outcomes (An emerging giant: Nursing informatics). Safety is expedited by nursing informatics through continuous monitoring, seamless transition at points of transition between care settings, when the probability of mistakes are at the highest and appropriate information-sharing in clinical decision making. Nursing informatics addresses equity issues by facilitating access, like discharge information in the language of the patient and furthermore nursing informatics is blind to race, gender, age, economic status and physical appearance. The incompatibility of databases of institutions is a barrier to nursing informatics, and has virtually remained so because of the fear of legal repercussions or proprietary information falling into the hands of competitors. The fear of the nursing professionals that nursing informatics may lead to the nursing becoming a mere implementation of a set of standardized protocols and cause the profession becoming reductionistic (McBride, 2005). Information technology has transformed human development in many dramatic ways. Nursing informatics making use of information technology offers to lift nursing care of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What is the correlation between the factors in purchasing soap and the Research Paper

What is the correlation between the factors in purchasing soap and the the education level of the person making the purchase - Research Paper Example The level of education are; high school, associate degree, undergraduate degree, graduate degree and dnr. Burger and Cooper 2012, develop an urge for control factor impacting the purchase of the soaps, and the level of education of the persons that are purchasing the soaps. According to Burger and cooper 2012, many people agree that the factors that cause the purchase of the soaps are the cost, the brand of the soap, the label on the soaps, availability and ingredient of the soaps. It also believed that, education and other factors might influence the purchasing of the soaps among the people in the society (Wood and Clapham, 2005). Different people differ on how they view the causation. Some group appears to draw conclusion based on the events they observe or connect between cosot and other factors. In this study, a survey was conducted to determine what the correlation between the factor impacting the purchase of the soaps, and the level of education. The data was obtained from a survey at a public fair. My area of interest was, what factors play a role in how people chose to buy soap. The surveys were collected at the end of the day and a spread sheet was made of all the survey questions. In the survey, they complete several classic illusions of control tasks. We try to answer if some people are prone to an illusion of control than others based on their personal beliefs. From the chi- square analysis, it can be observed that the value of chi-square is 60.333 with a p- value of 0.000 which is significantly less than 0.05 level of confidence. This means that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that the hygiene of the soap is influencing the purchase of the soap In this study, the relationship between the factor impacting the purchase and the education level will be examined through a regression analysis, and the correlation analysis between the two variables. The

Friday, August 23, 2019

DEVASTATION DONE BY ATOMIC BOMB Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

DEVASTATION DONE BY ATOMIC BOMB - Essay Example And concludes by stating the preferred measures that should be put into account so as to minimize terrorism. Atomic bomb devastation of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused the death of approximately 73,884 and 140,000 individuals respectively, and the bombing injured many more. Yokota, Mine, & Shibata, (2013, 22), states that An atomic bomb brings about blasts, radiation and heat rays that affect survivors by making them develop the disease known as atomic bomb disease. Moreover, to date some of the victims of the atomic still suffer from these diseases. The devastations caused by these bombs are numerous including house destructions as seen in the case of Nagasaki city. The flash of heat cause the temperature of the surfaces to rise as high as that of the sun causing individuals bodies to burn immensely than the normal burns. These injuries later on turn into running sores. Those close to the area of the explosion looked yellowish red while those far away reported a bright blue-white light that resembled burning magnesium The effect of this heat rays on materials included the burning of wooden fences, clothing’s, among others that were in the proximity. Also, roof tile surfaces became bubbly and rough after being exposed to heat rays. In addition, the blast of atomic bombs possesses a tremendous force, which blew away and flattened buildings. This affected many individuals by crushing them to death if they were under the collapsed buildings. Additionally, it can start and spread fire due to blasts and heat rays. Radiation is another cause of the atomic bomb, this radiations penetrate the body of human beings and affect a number of cells, thus bringing about the breakdown of various body parts and organs. Additionally, radiation causes anemia, bleeding, destruction of intestinal fluids and the stomach, decrease in white cell count and bone marrow destruction. Victims of radiation normally pass on within a period of thirty days (Kodama, Ozasa, & Okubo,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing project Essay Example for Free

Marketing project Essay Cadbury plc is a confectionery and beverage company with its headquarters in London, United Kingdom, and is the worlds largest confectionery manufacturer. The firm was formerly known as Cadbury Schweppes plc before demerging in May 2008, separating its global confectionery business from its Americas beverage unit, which has been renamed Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. In 1825, John Cadbury began vending tea, coffee, and (later) chocolate at Bull Street in Birmingham in the UK and sometimes in India. The company was later known as Cadbury brothers. After John Cadburys retirement, his sons, Richard and George, opened a major new factory at Bourneville. Over the years many mergers and acquisitions were undertaken. The biggest merger came in 1969. Cadburys merged with drinks company Schweppes to form Cadbury Schweppes in 1969. With this merger, besides chocolate confectionary, Cadbury entered into the drinks business with brands such as Snapple, Mistic and many more. In May 2008, Cadbury Schweppes split its business into two separate entities: one focusing on its main chocolate and confectionery market; the other on its U. S. drinks business. Thus the firm was renamed Cadbury plc and the beverage unit, was renamed Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Cadbury plc operates in over 60 countries. They work with around 35,000 direct and indirect suppliers and employ around 50,000 people. Cadbury India Ltd: Cadbury India Limited is a 51% subsidiary of Cadbury Plc, UK. Cadbury India Ltd began its operations in 1948 by importing chocolates and then re-packing them before distribution in the Indian market. After 60 years of existence, it today has five company-owned manufacturing facilities at Thane, Induri (Pune) and Malanpur (Gwalior), Bangalore and Baddi (Himachal Pradesh) and 4 sales offices (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkota and Chennai). It has its cocoa operations at Cochin. The corporate office is in Mumbai. The 4P’s of cadbury 1. Product :- Objective: A Dairy Milk in every pocket. Sizes: Dairy Milk comes in many sizes, the smallest being a 3. 5 gms pack. The most widely sold packs are the 3. 5gm, 12gm and 28gm packs. The smaller packs were introduced mainly to make Dairy Milk affordable to rural population and the lower and lower middle class of the urban areas. Variants: CDM has many variants around the world. The ones available in India are – plain, Fruit Nut, Roasted Almond, Crackle, Desserts, Wowie, Bournville. Packaging : CDM is available in ‘Purity Seal’ packaging which includes aluminium foil enclosed in a sealed poly-flow pack. Larger CDMs are available in poly-coated, heat-sealed aluminium foil wrapped in the branded outer package. The company believes that these steps are the ‘first ever’ in chocolate packaging in India. Labelling: Swirls in the new Cadbury logo give ‘milk goodness’ cues. Cadbury logo enlarged as a stamp of quality. Dairy Milk brand is endorsed across all variants. It has a ‘Glass and Half Full Milk’ logo with a Purplised background. Overall strategy: Over the years CDM has implemented line stretching suitably and successfully. Cadbury has employed a two-way stretch strategy. CDM has sought the task of universalising consumption from the smallest town in India to the largest metro and from the youngest child to the oldest adult. CDM has become richer and smoother, has strategically employed ‘master-branding’ or megabranding on packaging to bring the entire moulded range under the CDM umbrella and at the same time it has enhanced child connect to compete more effectively with the increased range in sugar confectionery and other impulse products like branded potato chips. 2. Price : Objective: Maximize sales (double the turn over) and profit and increase market share of CDM. It wants to double its turnover by 2010, which calls for a growth rate of over 20 per cent annually. Since CDM is Cadbury’s biggest brand its sales figures are going to be crucial in doubling the turnover. So Cadbury wants to get more people to eat more chocolate, which calls for making it more affordable and being more innovative. Moreover the chocolate segment is characterized by high volumes, low margins and price sensitivity. So the only way to achieve a high turnover is by increasing sales and so pricing strategy is of prime importance. Strategy: market penetration pricing – they have clearly used market penetration pricing. To penetrate the market they didn’t reduce their prices. Instead they introduced smaller packs with lower prices (5Rs). They offered products at affordable price points so as to increase its market penetration. This strategy worked for them as the most revenue is generated on sale of these smaller – low priced packs. Thus their strategy worked. Appealing to a broader range of consumers is at the heart of their plan. So the penetration strategy is appropriate for rural segments and lower income segments. But the higher income segments in urban areas associate price with quality. For this segment price acts as a signal for quality and size as a symbol of affluence. So the small sized low priced packs would not appeal to them. Moreover these low prised packs would not be appropriate for the gift segment either. Furthermore Cadbury is a big brand with high brand equity. Sometimes low prices can damage the brand name. Keeping that in mind Cadbury has caters to the urban segment by bigger 15 Rs and 40 Rs packs on plain Dairy Milk. Also the almond and nutty variants are targeted at the teenagers and urban rich at a premium price. The same variants in bigger sizes and at much higher prices are targeted towards the gift segment. Combination of larger packs, expensive variants and premium pricing is the strategy employed to attract the rich. 3. Promotion : Objectives: Leverage further the brand name Cadbury (chocolate = Cadbury) and the brand name Dairy Milk. Target a new broader segment. To leverage the Cadbury label, the company has been doing aggressive advertising and promotions. Promotion budget is decided as percentage of sales. Cadbury spends about 12-13 % of sales revenues on advertising. 70 % of this budget is being spent above the line and 30 % is spent below the line. Their budgets are fair because they don’t need to invest to create awareness as the brand is fairly well known and has a huge market share and consumer base. But at the same time CDM is still in its growing stage implying that there are still more people CDM can target by advertising. Also CDM has no major rivals and enjoys the no. 1 position but increase in easy availability of imported chocolates could lead to competitive advertising requiring larger budgets. Cadbury only uses non-personal communication channels such as advertising, sales promotion, and events and experiences. A brand like Cadbury would not require personal selling. Advertising (above the line promotions): Objective: To give people NOVEL reasons to celebrate and celebrate it with CDM. To target more people and larger segments. Reminding the consumer and reinforcing the brand are implied objectives. Advertisements for Cadbury Dairy Milk have been dominated by use of emotional appeals. These adverts have made a conscious effort to communicate values of chocolate at the highest experiential level. Sales promotion (below the line promotions): Sampling and Give-Aways: For new products i. e. new variants Cadbury gives out samples at malls, cafes etc. This is done over and above a massive advertising campaign and a grand launch. This was done for its dark chocolate variant. Point-of-Sale Promotion and Displays: Cadbury India Ltd rolled out a slew of customised marketing and communication initiatives at the retail end. The purple package and now the glossy purple package has forever been a very attractive feature of CDM prompting customers to choose the vibrant purple over other brands. 4. Place: Outlet location: The decision for location of retail shops is a very simple one for Cadbury. They should be everywhere. Outlets must to accessible because people will not too far from home for a 10 Rs chocolate (with the exception of rural areas). Moreover there must be suitable outlets for different segment. Thus the outlets must range from an exclusive chocolate shop in an A grade mall to an ordinary kirana shop. So the retail outlets in urban areas include pan-shops, kirana shops, chemists, departmental stores, super markets malls etc. Retail outlets in rural areas only include the kirana shops and chemists and to a certain extent the pan-shops. Small eateries in rural areas are also known to stock chocolates. Keeping up the non-traditional route: CIL plans to sell Cadbury products through non-traditional outlets like music stores (such as MusicWorld), renowned bookstores and popular apparel outlets (such as Pantaloons and Wills Sport boutiques). Hence Cadbury clearly implements Intensive Distribution by using a large number of intermediaries at all the levels especially the retail level. Channels of distribution: Objective: To reduce total channel cost and to improve the quality of the supply-chain i. e. ensuring safe handling of CDM at the retailer end. First thing to consider is that Cadbury uses a pull strategy. Intermediaries are of great importance in pull strategies. Cadbury might spend a lot on advertising and attract a great number of customers, but all will be in vain if the intermediaries don’t keep sufficient stocks to meet the demands. Cadbury uses a vertical marketing channel with 2- levels i. e. the wholesaler and retailer. In retail they have store-retailing. Cadbury has over 2100 distributors and over 7 lakh retailers who sell over 1 million Cadbury Dairy Milk bars every day. SWOT ANALYSIS SWOT analysis for Cadbury and CDM Strengths: It has a strong brand name and brand equity and a significant amount of trust and loyalty from consumers. ? It has Strong leadership position in confectionary markets and the chocolate market not only in India but world over. Cadbury and CDM both have a rich product mix. Cadbury India Limited has strategic as well as monetary support from the parent Cadbury Plc. It has 200 years of experience in chocolate making. Cadbury is not completely reliant on just chocolate products. It has a well balanced portfolio which includes leading brands across the chocolate, sugar, confectionery, chewing gum segments to name a few. Weaknesses: Lack of launch of new brands in Chocolates segment. They have introduced more and more variants of CDM but have not introduced anything new in the market. This implies that their R D section is not at its strongest. ? Vulnerability to raw material price fluctuations. Low melting point. Opportunities: New product launches especially healthy chocolates. More collaborations or co-brandings like the one with Disney for Wowie. ? The market for traditional sweets in India is worth 11,000 Cr. Even a small share of this market could prove to be very profitable. ? Improving the istribution channels to improve the quality of service and to increase profit margins. Using information and technology to bring efficiency in logistics and distribution. Threats: Growing Health Concerns among people is leading to lower consumption of sugar and fat. ? Threats from new entrants in the market (foreign chocolate). Some of these new entrants are huge brands with deep pockets. ? The company has large exposure to foreign currency exchange rate risk, mainly on account of imported cocoa beans and cocoa butter in US Dollar and Pound Sterling.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Psychological Impact Paper Essay Example for Free

Psychological Impact Paper Essay Cultural diversity is a bonus in the society today. The ability to interact or network with other cultures gives you an opportunity to understand different cultures and how they live their life on a daily basis. Although being culturally diverse may be a positive aspect. It may have complications depending on your race. For example, Racism, Discrimination, and Civil rights are factors that may cause a psychological development, distress, or behavior problem. In my paper I will discuss the potential impact of racism, discrimination, and civil rights on the psychological development, distress and behavior on a cultural diverse African American. Racism â€Å"Racism consists of beliefs, attitudes, institutional arrangements, and acts that tend to denigrate individuals or groups because of phenotype characteristics or ethnic group affiliation,† (Hall, 2010. Pg 88). African Americans faced racism on a daily basis in the 1900s. Lynch mobs and burnings terrorized African Americans, causing them to be skeptical or in fear of leaving their own home. They were denied industry jobs and were forced to work low end jobs. This resulted in to poor living conditions which affected their mental health. Picking cotton was their main source of income. African Americans began to question their self worth because as of minorities they were not able to express their intelligence or communication skills they used to be culturally diverse. African Americans began to think they were useless only because they could not provide more for their families. â€Å"Categorical beliefs about the biological and/or cultural inferiority of some racial groups can attack the self-worth of at least some members of stigmatized racial groups and undermine the importance of their very existence† (Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 255). African Americans self esteem became to drop, causing them not to be able to function mentally. Racism may have decreased compared to the 1900s but it still exists in present day. Discrimination Discrimination has been known to have an impact on the  psychological development, distress and behavior on African Americans. Discrimination is (Define). â€Å"Recent qualitive studies and journalistic accounts reveal that black experience discrimination in a broad range of contexts in society and that these incidents can induce considerable distress† (Williams and Morris, 2000. Pg 251). Treated unfairly impacted the health of African Americans, causing anxiety or anger. African Americans thought that they were overly qualified for jobs that they were denied. After being denied African Americans would become angry or frustrated because of not being treated equally. African Americans were prideful of their culture and the only way to show people of other cultures is by showing they were inferior. African Americans were inferior but still suffered from mental health problems. â€Å"Racist discrimination is associated with anxiety, anger frustration, resentment, somatization, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, interpersonal hypersentivity, fear, paranoia, helplessness-hopelessness, and depression among African Americans† (Hall, 2010. Pg 91). Discrimination caused African Americans to lack interactions amongst other races in schools. â€Å"Afrocentrism espouses African ideals at the center of ones approach to problem solving† (Hall, 2010. Pg 92). This was an important factor in the multicultural research. Civil Rights African Americans struggled for years for freedom form slavery. After being free fought for equality and a voice. Movements began to form on behalf of African Americans continued to struggle mentally, only because they felt their voice was not heard. In 1875 the Civil Rights Act was passed giving them the right to equal treatment in public settings. Followed by the 1896 decision to legalize racial segregation of schools. Although the schools were segregated African Americans parents and children feared for their lives. They were afraid that European Americans would hurt their children all because they were attending schools that where made for whites. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 created the opportunity for African Americans to have constitutionals rights without discrimination or segregation. The Civil Rights Act was passed but Racism still exist, causing African Americans to feel hopeless. African Americans then began to search  for another outcome which lead to Affirmative Action. The Black Muslims created opportunities and had a goal of diversity. Goals of Black Muslims were to replace the negative effects of slavery with positive values and behavior and to develop independence from the dominant culture,†(Hall, 2010. Pg90). Hope for understanding African American identity and multicultural relation was offered by psychological theory and research despite political and legal setbacks. Although African Americans were faced with adversities, they managed to overcome them. Africans struggled mentally as well as facing distress and behavior problems all because the way they were treated. African Americans tried to form bonds amongst other cultures, giving them the opportunity to become diverse individuals. Learning other cultures was common for African Americans, like for instance adapting to the American culture after being slaved. African Americans have put the past behind them and continue to become more diverse as well teaching other cultures there values and traditions. Barnes, J. (2004). Unequal Education. U.S. News World Report, 136(10), 66. Hall, G. C. N. (2010). Multicultural Psychology (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pursuing a Career as a Registered Nurse

Pursuing a Career as a Registered Nurse Confucius once stated, Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life (Stevenson, 1987). Those profound words truly encourage the importance of choosing a career that one is passionate about in order to attain happiness. However, many individuals fail to recognize that they must be well-suited for their chosen career. While becoming a nurse may not be for everyone, the job can definitely be worthwhile. The abundance of demands and responsibilities that the job entails may be intimidating, but there are so many different opportunities within the nursing field that make it advantageous. Pursuing a career as a registered nurse will certainly be challenging, but it will be an extremely rewarding profession. A career in nursing is one that has a long history, although it has evolved over time into one of the most demanding careers in the medical field. A nurse is defined as a person formally educated and trained in the care of the sick or infirm, especially a registered nurse (Random House, 2001, p. 911). However, nursing has not always been considered a profession in which training or education was required. According to The New Book of Popular Science, in earlier times nurses were generally untrained, learning only what was needed for the specific situations in which they worked (2005, p. 482). Eventually, nursing transformed into a profession that entailed a great deal of knowledge and skill. Nursing as a modern profession can be traced back to the mid 19th century (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482), as Florence Nightingale became known as one of the first pioneers of nursing. Nightingale cared for wounded British soldiers during the Crimean War, which showed the importan ce of skilled nursing and in 1860, the first nursing school, based on Nightingales methods, was founded in affiliation with Saint Thomas Hospital in London (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482). Nursing schools gradually became more popular, and in 1872, Bostons New England Hospital for women and children established the first U.S. nursing school, which awarded a nursing diploma to Linda Richards, the first trained nurse in the U.S. (The New Book of Popular Science, 2005, p. 482). Since then, millions of men and women have entered the medical field as trained nurses, as it has proven to be an excellent career. While I have always had an interest in the medical field and a strong desire to care for and help people, being exposed to a hospital environment and observing a hospital staff allowed me to discover my desire of pursuing a career in nursing. The nurses, so intelligent, compassionate, and understanding, had not only provided their patients with necessary treatments, but offered them their utmost support and companionship. Knowing that I possess those attributes, it is that vision that has given me the drive and the willingness to help others. As an aspiring registered nurse, one must be committed to working diligently in preparation for her career. Although each approach is quite challenging, there are three educational routes to becoming an RN: 1) Two year associate degree programs offered by community, junior, and technical colleges. 2) Three year diploma programs offered by hospitals. 3) Four year bachelors degree programs offered by colleges/universities. These award the bachelors of science in nursing (BSN) degree (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). These three educational routes allow individuals to pursue a career as a registered nurse, while being able to choose a program that is tailored to suit their needs. Nevertheless, nursing students are all required to take several pre-requisites. For example, basic courses cover anatomy, physiology, sociology, English, psychology, philosophy, microbiology, and nursing concepts and techniques (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). If a student opts to e nroll in a four year bachelors degree program, they must also take courses in precalculus, chemistry (both general and organic), biology, anthropology, and epidemiology, as well as several advanced nursing courses (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). Regardless of which program a student is enrolled in, all prospective nurses must obtain a nursing license before they are able to work. To do so, candidates must pass a written state board examination after graduating from an accredited nursing school (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). While education is obviously an integral part of becoming a nurse, its important that nurses possess certain characteristics in order to be successful medical professionals. For example, the U.S. Department of Labor explains that nurses should be caring, sympathetic, responsible, and detail oriented. They must be able to direct or supervise others, correctly assess patients conditions, and determine when consultation is required. They need emotional stability to cope with human suffering, emergencies, and other stresses (2010-2011). Providing a student possesses these characteristics and is capable of doing well throughout her nursing program, she should be fully prepared to succeed in a career as a registered nurse. The job of a registered nurse is certainly one that involves a great deal of responsibilities. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, registered nurses treat patients, educate patients and the public about various medical conditions, and provide advice and emotional support to patients family members. RNs record patients medical histories and symptoms, help perform diagnostic tests and analyze results, operate medical machinery, administer treatment and medications, and help with patient follow-up and rehabilitation (2010-2011). However, depending on the nurses specialty and/or job location, her duties may vary. Therefore, a nurse must be able to apply her newly acquired knowledge and skills from school to the job of her choice. For example, registered nurses have a very wide choice of work settings these include hospitals of different types, nursing homes, schools, community health centers, public health offices, and industrial facilities (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 170). Fortunately, most nurses work in facilities that are clean and well lighted and where the temperature is controlled, although some work in rundown inner city hospitals in less than ideal conditions (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). Nursing is definitely a very demanding job regardless of work setting, as it can be both physically and emotionally exhausting. For example, caring for patients often requires a great deal of strenuous activity, as patients who are ill are usually very weak. Additionally, nurses typically work long hours that include either twelve or eight hour shifts. Those in hospitals generally work any of three shifts: 7:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.; 3:00 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.; or 11:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). Nurses also spend a large portion of their day either walking or standing, which is definitely physically taxing. Consequently, it is not unlikely for nurses to feel as though they are going to burn out. For example, one nurse reported t hat if you are doing a good job, it is mentally as well as physically exhausting, demanding you are going to burn out, as no one supports you you are always working, always on your feet, always thinking. It doesnt end ever your brain is always in overtime (Industrial Engineer, 2011). The abundance of work and the effort a nurse must put into her job may seem very unpleasant at times, but it is undoubtably a financially rewarding career. According to the New York State Department of Labor (2010), the average salary for a registered nurse working in New York City is $82,920. Furthermore, nurses are entitled to a fair amount of time off. As for vacation time, new employees earn 13 days per year, and bonus days are added each year for the first 7 years (NYS Department of Civil Service, 2011). Also, employees can earn 5 days of personal leave per year and sick leave can be accumulated to a maximum of 200 days (NYS Department of Civil Service, 2011). Registered nurses put an enormous amount of time and energy into helping people and providing patients with proper health care, proving that they are definitely deserving of a high salary and adequate time off. Despite the disadvantages of becoming a registered nurse, the various job opportunities and possibilities to advance make it a very desirable career choice. Besides the chance to help others and put ones skills to work, nursing offers diversity, ready availability of jobs, reasonable starting salaries, attractive employee benefits, a choice of educational programs, and plentiful financial aid (Tise, 1988). These advantages are usually very appealing to interested nursing students, as the field of nursing is extremely broad and offers so many different options. Furthermore, nurses typically enjoy interacting with different types of people on a daily basis. For example, a study showed that despite nurses decision to quit, they identified interactions with patients and families as being emotionally satisfying, and the loss of this interaction as their biggest regret since leaving practice (Mackusick Minick, 2010). However, patient interaction is not always so enjoyable, as RNs may be i n close contact with individuals who have infectious diseases (U.S. Department of Labor, 2009), which can be quite dangerous if one is not cautious. Nurses have also reported that they dislike the people they work with, which is evident in an article from Medsurg Nursing, which states unfriendly workplace was evidenced by nurses reporting issues of sexual harassment; verbal or physical abuse from co-workers, managers, or physicians in the workplace; and/or consistent lack of support from other RNs (Mackusick Minick, 2010). However, as with any career, it is important to understand that some co-workers are going to be more friendly than others. In addition to an unfriendly workplace, overwork and stress are common in nursing long hours, inconvenient hours, and little rest have always been a nurses lot (Tise, 1988). For example, researchers found that the average total sleep time between 12-hour shifts was only 5.5 hours (Healthcare Traveler, 2010), reiterating the fact that the job of a nurse is extremely exhausting. Moreover, nurses can be held legally accountable for providing the wrong medication to a patient even if ordered to do so by a doctor (Tise, 1988), which is definitely a rather unattractive aspect of nursing. Nevertheless, the disadvantages of becoming a nurse should not undermine the fact that nursing has a very promising future. Current projections are that employment of RNs is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2012, and many jobs will result (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). The large amount of employment opportunities is attributed to a severe shortage of nurses, which will be exacerbated by the increasing numbers of baby boomer aged nurses who are expected to retire, creating more open positions than there are graduates of nursing programs (Careers in Focus, 2006, p. 165). In addition to benefiting from a very favorable job market, registered nurses have the opportunity to continue their education and advance in their career. With additional experience and training, an RN may move into a supervisory, management, or administrative position such as head nurse. Other potential directions for advancement include specialty training, especially in one of the advanced-practice nursing specialties (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 172). Of the various advancement opportunities, an advanced-practice nurse is the highest degree of specialty within the field of nursing. Advanced-practice nurses are highly trained specialists with one of four professional titles: clinical nurse specialist, nurse-anesthetist, nurse practitioner, or nurse-midwife (S. Wischnitzer E. Wischnitzer, 2005, p. 171). If a registered nurse decides to become an advanced-practice nurse, he or she must obtain a masters or doctorate degree. Many nurses choose to follow this career path, as it allows them to assume a higher ranking position with enormous financial benefits. It is evident that endeavoring towards a career as a registered nurse is demanding, but it will absolutely be worthwhile. I am definitely suited to become a registered nurse, as I am a hard-working and compassionate individual, which are characteristics that are imperative to achieve success in nursing. This upcoming fall, I will begin to actualize my goal of becoming a nurse, as I have chosen to attend Wagner Colleges nursing program. After earning a bachelors of science degree in nursing, I hope to someday further my education and become a nurse practitioner. I am certainly aware that it is a major commitment, but I am fully prepared for the challenge and will continue to work diligently to attain my goal. I am completely confident that I will someday be an excellent nurse, but above all, as a registered nurse, I intend to never have to work a day in my life.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Public Sector Agencies are Best Equiped to Fight Social Injustice Essay

Public Sector Agencies are Best Equiped to Fight Social Injustice With a new President, in came the rush of a new agenda. Gone were the days of the Clinton era, a time of continued investment in big government programs and a commitment that the federal government would assist in healing societal wounds. With President Bush in office, the social work community knew it was in for big changes. Armed with an agenda consistent with his conservative beliefs, President Bush came forth with policies that attempted to downsize the federal role in social issues and social work, to return power to the states in the form of block grants, and to increase reliance on the market as a solution to problems. Like his father before him, Bush wanted a return to a time when helping a neighbor was something one did out of the goodness of the heart. To make the tax cuts he promised happen, Bush had to shave dollars from the welfare programs administered by social workers to the nation’s most downtrodden citizens. With support for faith-based social service agencies, a taste for private school vouchers, and an incessant urge to privatize what is known among policy analysts as the â€Å"third rail of politics† (Social Security), President Bush was able to stir up a long-standing debate within the social work community (Zastrow, 1999). Social workers began to ask, once again, what was the most effective, most emblematic type of delivery to the needy: public-sector services or private-sector services? The debate over public and private social services is a constant in the social work profession. To truly understand the debate, the definitions of such agencies must be clear. Barker defines private social agencies as â€Å"nonprofit agencies that provide ... program of the NewYork Charity Organization Society.† Social Service Review. 71:634. Barker, Robert L. The Social Work Dictionary. 4th ed. Washington D.C.: NASW, 1999. Berkowicz, B. (2001). â€Å"Prospecting Among the Poor: Welfare Privatization.† Welfare AdvocacyResearch Project (WARP). Retrieved from the World Wide Web:. Karger, H.J. & Stoesz, D. (2002). American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach (4th ed.).Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Lurie, I. (1998). Welfare Reform in New York State. Poverty Research News. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: . NASW Code of Ethics. Retrieved from the World Wide Web: . Reisch, M. (1999). "Public Social Services." Encyclopedia of Social Work. (19th ed.) New York: NASW Press.

Business Ethics in Todays Corporate World Essay -- Business Morals Et

Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point of view because of religion, race, and education but I don’t think it will be much different than someone else’s opinion if it all comes down to these factors. I also think that personal opinion can be attributed to how sensitive the topic is. For example same sex marriage is a very sensitive issue as well as abortion. When you look at the news and see corporate giants like Enron and WorldCom a question mark comes to my mind. I ask my self what happened to the conscience of the people making decisions in the corporate offices. I believe that a lot of the decisions are made because of self-interest. These executives were looking out for themselves and forgot about the shareholders of the company, which are equally important because they own part of the corporation. That is why we are seeing all of these corporate scandals on the news today! Ask yourself if you think what Microsoft did was ethical. When you think about Microsoft’s antitrust case it reminds you of a corporate giant that makes decisions in their self-interest. They didn’t care if they were hurting another company. The company that was most hurt from these illegal business practices was Netscape. Microsoft wanted to eliminate its competitors by performing business practices that would hurt other companies in its market segment. We all know what happens when there is no competition? Companies raise prices because of the law of supply and demand. I guess it’s all about competition. If a corporation doesn’t have good bu siness ethics would it be a good idea for that company to do good works in the community? I would say no because if the executives that run the company have no integrity whatsoever to make decisions in their company what makes you think that they are going to care about the community in which they are suppose to volunteer in. The image of a company is very important and if the c... ...nies need to be more careful in selecting or hiring employees. This will decrease the discharging of employees for no reason. If I was an executive I would like to have the freedom to do whatever it takes to make the business succeed. If it comes to firing someone that has done something wrong then I would sit down with that person and explain to the individual the wrongdoing. The companies that follow the principle of the EAW believe that if they own the company and manage it then they have the power do what they want. I don’t have a problem with that, but is it morally wrong to fire someone because they have done nothing wrong. This is were I disagree with the company. Companies should be able to do whatever they want with there business as long as they follow rules and regulations. They need to consider that people have feelings and when you are making a decision that is going to affect someone you need to let them know why it happened. If the person fired has a family and you are discharging them for no reason you also have to think about that this person has a family and that the company has a say whether this person will make a living while he or she looks for another job. Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Essay -- Business Morals Et Business Ethics in Today's Corporate World Business ethics is part of today’s society whether you like it or not. There are many things happening in today’s corporate world that needs to be opinioned. Are ethical judgments merely a matter of personal opinion? Yes because we live in a free society I think that most ethical judgments are based on a matter of what you believe in. Everyone has the right to think differently. There will also be similarities and differences in your ethical point of view because of religion, race, and education but I don’t think it will be much different than someone else’s opinion if it all comes down to these factors. I also think that personal opinion can be attributed to how sensitive the topic is. For example same sex marriage is a very sensitive issue as well as abortion. When you look at the news and see corporate giants like Enron and WorldCom a question mark comes to my mind. I ask my self what happened to the conscience of the people making decisions in the corporate offices. I believe that a lot of the decisions are made because of self-interest. These executives were looking out for themselves and forgot about the shareholders of the company, which are equally important because they own part of the corporation. That is why we are seeing all of these corporate scandals on the news today! Ask yourself if you think what Microsoft did was ethical. When you think about Microsoft’s antitrust case it reminds you of a corporate giant that makes decisions in their self-interest. They didn’t care if they were hurting another company. The company that was most hurt from these illegal business practices was Netscape. Microsoft wanted to eliminate its competitors by performing business practices that would hurt other companies in its market segment. We all know what happens when there is no competition? Companies raise prices because of the law of supply and demand. I guess it’s all about competition. If a corporation doesn’t have good bu siness ethics would it be a good idea for that company to do good works in the community? I would say no because if the executives that run the company have no integrity whatsoever to make decisions in their company what makes you think that they are going to care about the community in which they are suppose to volunteer in. The image of a company is very important and if the c... ...nies need to be more careful in selecting or hiring employees. This will decrease the discharging of employees for no reason. If I was an executive I would like to have the freedom to do whatever it takes to make the business succeed. If it comes to firing someone that has done something wrong then I would sit down with that person and explain to the individual the wrongdoing. The companies that follow the principle of the EAW believe that if they own the company and manage it then they have the power do what they want. I don’t have a problem with that, but is it morally wrong to fire someone because they have done nothing wrong. This is were I disagree with the company. Companies should be able to do whatever they want with there business as long as they follow rules and regulations. They need to consider that people have feelings and when you are making a decision that is going to affect someone you need to let them know why it happened. If the person fired has a family and you are discharging them for no reason you also have to think about that this person has a family and that the company has a say whether this person will make a living while he or she looks for another job.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Creation myth :: Fiona and Shrek

Geoffrey meets Ducky Long before there were human beings, there was Queen Fiona and King Shrek. They lived on an island filled with tropical fruits and jungles called Neverland. King Shrek was the ruler of all the land. He made boundaries to separate land from water, marshes from rain forests, and created islands into regions. King Shrek also created trees to grow crops for the animals. Queen Fiona on the other hand created the most beautiful exotic creatures called the bear, bird, duck, giraffe, tiger, lion, fish, dog, lizard, horse, elephant, frog, cow, deer, chicken, pig, leopard, rhino, squirrels, and many other creatures. In those days there was no sun. All light came from the sparkling white moon shined in the sky that stood in the center of the sky. There was the sky and the moon, but the sun never came out and, far below, an endless stretch of water, wild marshes, exotic jungles, rain forests with fresh green trees growing like grass. Animals roamed every region searching for food and shelter, bu t this lead to brutal and violent fights. Soon Queen Fiona and King Shrek were getting fed up with the animals Nguyen 2 because the animals became enemies to one another, so Queen Fiona and King Shrek decided to create human beings into either man or woman, where peace and kindness with last eternally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day the Queen Fiona and King Shrek decided to retire due to the chaos of the animals and tried to figure out what animals can represent the man or woman and that animal can become the symbol of life again. It was the hardest decision for the Queen Fiona and King Shrek to choose what animal can stay to lead on the human race to a better and enduring life of happiness. Finally, after days of hard work of searching, they choose the giraffe to represent the males because of the giraffe ability and uniqueness figure can benefit humankind. The giraffe can drink up to 12 gallons of water, sleeps for only 1-12 minutes long, live about 20-25 years long, and travel without stopping. This gives males more dominance because the giraffe is so tall and more alert because they sleep less; they travel without stopping due to the twelve gallon storage in their body. Giraffes are also mellow, but when it comes to being attacked it will have a dangerous side. Creation myth :: Fiona and Shrek Geoffrey meets Ducky Long before there were human beings, there was Queen Fiona and King Shrek. They lived on an island filled with tropical fruits and jungles called Neverland. King Shrek was the ruler of all the land. He made boundaries to separate land from water, marshes from rain forests, and created islands into regions. King Shrek also created trees to grow crops for the animals. Queen Fiona on the other hand created the most beautiful exotic creatures called the bear, bird, duck, giraffe, tiger, lion, fish, dog, lizard, horse, elephant, frog, cow, deer, chicken, pig, leopard, rhino, squirrels, and many other creatures. In those days there was no sun. All light came from the sparkling white moon shined in the sky that stood in the center of the sky. There was the sky and the moon, but the sun never came out and, far below, an endless stretch of water, wild marshes, exotic jungles, rain forests with fresh green trees growing like grass. Animals roamed every region searching for food and shelter, bu t this lead to brutal and violent fights. Soon Queen Fiona and King Shrek were getting fed up with the animals Nguyen 2 because the animals became enemies to one another, so Queen Fiona and King Shrek decided to create human beings into either man or woman, where peace and kindness with last eternally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day the Queen Fiona and King Shrek decided to retire due to the chaos of the animals and tried to figure out what animals can represent the man or woman and that animal can become the symbol of life again. It was the hardest decision for the Queen Fiona and King Shrek to choose what animal can stay to lead on the human race to a better and enduring life of happiness. Finally, after days of hard work of searching, they choose the giraffe to represent the males because of the giraffe ability and uniqueness figure can benefit humankind. The giraffe can drink up to 12 gallons of water, sleeps for only 1-12 minutes long, live about 20-25 years long, and travel without stopping. This gives males more dominance because the giraffe is so tall and more alert because they sleep less; they travel without stopping due to the twelve gallon storage in their body. Giraffes are also mellow, but when it comes to being attacked it will have a dangerous side.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Primate Observation Essay

Primates are some of the most interesting animals to watch and learn about whether it be in person at a zoo or seeing a film or documentary on wild ones in a natural environment. Part of this reason is due to the incredible amount of similarities found in between primates and humans. After observing two different primate species at a local zoo, I found out that by observing their behavior, we gain a small insight into human behaviors and their roots. Today I will discuss the different types of behavior I observed as well as the effects of being in captivity and how this helps us understand hunan behavior. On sunny April 19th this year, I visited the San Francisco Zoo and the first species I observed were the gorillas, also known as Gorilla Beringei. Upon approaching the gorilla habitat, at about 1:30 p.m., I noticed the enclosure was roughly about fifty yards in diameter. Throughout the enclosure, there were different levels of ground elevation varying from small hills, to large rock structures placed about twenty feet away from the gorilla cages inside the habitat. There were also many plant or bush like shrubs around as well as trees varying from shape and size throughout the enclosure. The overall shape of the enclosure was similar to an octagon which supported different observational vantage points from a few different sides. The gorillas are the largest primates still existing today. The gorillas in the enclosure varied in size and appearances. All the females were much smaller then the male silverback, however within the female group, their sizes also varied. Some females within the group were less massive and more lengthy then for example the female in charge of the newborn gorilla. The â€Å"mother† of the baby gorilla, Kabibe, was much larger then the other females and she seemed to have more authority within the social group. The male silverback, Oscar Jones, was impressively larger then any other gorillas in the enclosure and had a much larger head and arms in comparison. He had long thick black hair with a patch of silver on his back symbolizing maturity. In total, I observed about six to eight gorillas out of the cages and interacting within the enclosure. The second species I  observed around 3:40 pm were the siamangs, or symphalangus syndactylus. Their enclosure was much different then the previously observed gorillas enclosure. This one was about fifty feet high, 30 feet long, and 20 feet wide and in the shape of the letter â€Å"L†. It’s made of reinforced glass from the bottom to about 10 feet high, then becomes a chain linked metal cage the rest of the way up. The structure contained many different objects from which the siamangs were able to use to climb up or down. Some of these objects included, climbing logs, swings, many thick pieces of rope, cylindrical shaped rubber tubes, planks of wood, and many other suspended objects. Towards the bottom of the enclosure, there were also a lot of plant life and bushes or flower like things where the siamangs could sit or interact with one another when not climbing around. Within the enclosure, there were two siamangs. Although not labeled, since siamangs are monogamous primates, I assume one was male and one was female. Physically, the siamangs are just a bit larger then the other gibbons however still small in comparison to the apes. They have no tails, are slender and long armed as they are arboreal lesser apes. They are covered with long dense black hair and have long hooked nails. Siamangs are also known to have large throat sacs which they can use to let out a very loud call to warn against predators. However, neither of these siamangs had the adaptive throat sacs. Also, there was not much difference in size between the male and female gender. After observing the two primate species and reviewing my field notes, I noticed the two species although both part of the ape family, are not that similar in fact. For example, the gorillas social organization consists of a one male, multi female group with the male being the alpha leader. He ensures that it is his genetics being passed on to the offspring and that is the only way he will protect and partake in the baby’s life. Due to being a one male, multi female group, it is not uncommon for gorilla males to kill any infant they assume is not theirs. There also seemed to be a sense of hierarchy amongst the females themselves, with Kabibe’s mother, at the top of the female group. However, the male silver back Oscar Jones, was still maintaing authority amongst the entire group by charging the females. On the other hand, the siamangs are a pair bonded group whom select mates for life and have a family. In the enclosure I observed, there were only two siamangs present who behaved very differently from one another. One siamang continued to be very active, swinging throughout the cage and constantly climbing up and down the metal fence. However, the other siamang, which I believed to be female, sat on a small rock towards the bottom corner of the enclosure and did not interact with any bystanders or the other siamang at all. Also, my friend and I noticed this sitting siamang also seemed to appear as if it were depressed. Many times the active siamang would swing down and try and interact with his partner and the other siamang would just ignore him and continue staring down or out the glass. One of the gorillas I was observing displayed a way of acquiring food which I thought was quite intelligent. She grabbed a thin leaf filled branch from a tree and placed her hand at the top of the branch. Starting from the top she pulled her hand down towards the other end pulling any leaves out together instead of one by one. She then disposed of the branch by throwing it a few feet away from her. This showe d a level of intelligence I have not seen in other primates. The gorillas mainly stick to eating leaves and vegetation found in their enclosure from many trees and plants around. This similar to their natural habitat, does not offer them lots of nutritional value, however is available in large quantities and available year round. I am also assuming they are fed fruits by zoo employees as well for nutritional quality and value. The three females outside in the enclosure seemed to be isolated about 20 feet away from each other and spread around the enclosure. They did not seem to be sharing any source of food or interact much with one another unless they were nearing the cage door within the enclosure. The siamangs did not seem to display any signs of higher intelligence. One continued to constantly move around the cage by climbing up then swinging back down. The other siamang just sat in isolation and was not physically active much at all. They did not share anything amongst themselves and did not interact much either. The two primate species I observed did not have much in common, except for their diet. Both the gorillas and the siamangs are both primarily vegetarians and consume different types of leaves, fruits, and other plants found in their habitats. I was not able to observe how the siamangs acquired their food or how they react to â€Å"meal time†, however based on my observations I assume the siamangs would not share much either due to their lack of interaction with one another. This throws me off because according to what I have learned in class, the siamangs are in fact mates with one  another for life and yet they did not interact with one another at all durin g my observations at the zoo. I believe these similarities in diet exist because that the siamangs and gorillas are part of the ape family. However, the differences in behavior, mating, social organization, and intelligence also exist due to the fact that they are separated between the â€Å"lesser apes† (siamangs), and the â€Å"great apes† (gorillas). Another reason why these differences might exist is due to where the species originated from. Gorillas originally were from Africa while Gibbons were found from Southeast Asia. Overall after reviewing my notes, I noticed that the Siamangs are much less intelligent then the gorillas, yet more active. I believe this is because the siamangs are much smaller, requiring less energy to move about their enclosure in such a fast and excited manner. The gorillas on the other hand are much more complex in behavior as they actually interact with one another by expressing sounds and or physical actions. They also seem to be aware the fact that many people are around them watching, and they also react to this by hiding back in the cages or moving away behind a tree or rock structure. I have always believed that being held captive in a zoo, is no where close to being free in your natural habitat. How can one take an animal who should have the ability to roam endless land and have the need to survive in the â€Å"natural† world and put them in a restricted enclosure, a fraction the s ize of their natural habitats and claim that these animals are happy there? I personally believe being in captivity and on display in a zoo has many negative effects on these animals. While observing the gorillas, they seemed to be heavily affected by their environment and surroundings. In a gorillas natural habitat, you would most likely find them playing with one another, acquiring food, and being active. However, most times in zoo’s you simply find the gorillas not really doing anything besides just sitting there. These are most likely due to psychological effects brought on by being captive and put on display to thousands of people all the time. While observing, I noticed the gorillas did not really do much besides move around to their own spot of the enclosure, about twenty feet away from one another, and just sit there and stare at the people watching them. Also, these gorillas suffer mental trauma from being teased or provoked to a level where they feel threatened by all these yelling kids and or adults. I do not believe the behaviors  exhibited by gorillas in captivity are â€Å"natural† due to the fact that gorillas are very intelligent. According to, â€Å"As humans are watching them they will be watching as well. This is why they often pick up behaviors from people.† As a result, behaviors seen by gorillas in a zoo would not be the same behaviors shown by wild gorillas in natural environment. With thousands of people standing around the enclosure yelli ng and making gestures towards the gorilla, it is safe to say the gorillas observe the humans behavior and repeat behaviors they have learned. The siamangs I observed also display a bit of natural and unnatural behaviors as well. For example, siamangs are arboreal primates who live in tree top canopies and are rarely seen walking on the ground. They use their long limbs and fingers as hooks to swing from branch or vine to another and that is how they maneuver throughout the forests. One of the siamangs I was watching was very active and continued to swing back and forth throughout his enclosure almost the entire time I was watching. He would use logs and ropes to climb up to the top corner of the cage, then he would observe from up there for a few seconds. After, he would make his way back down towards the bottom of the enclosure and would leap around. This is natural behavior to be seen by a siamang even in the wild. However, the other siamang within the enclosure exhibited some worrying signs of unnatural behavior. This siamang was sitting on a rock of some sort around the enclosure floor and would stare down towards the ground or look out the glass. However, she would not move at all throughout my entire observation time and really seemed depressed. At one point, the other active siamang swung down and got very close to her and still she did not move or interact at all. Im assuming this is a psychological effect brought on by being trapped in such a small con tainment instead of being able to roam about the forest and be free. I believe that this specific siamang has been held in captivity for a while longer due to the behavior shown. Observing these primates in their natural wild environment would have significantly different behavior observations. Living in the wild, these primates experience struggles to survive such as finding sources of food, competition for mating, and also predators and dangers. These are not really things captive animals in zoos experience due to human intervention. For example in the wild, gorillas are moving to a new â€Å"camping ground† very often due to predators such as large cats and build a  sleeping nest to stay protected. This is natural adaptive behavior found in gorillas; however, you will not see this in captive gorillas because the only predators they experience are humans taunting or screaming at them and they do not have enough space available to travel distances. As a result of these observations, primates and other animals in captivity may not exhibit natural behaviors observed in their natural environment. After spending the day observing the behaviors of both the gorillas and the siamangs, I see some behavior patterns that I also see in humans. For example, the siamangs find mates for life and raise a family and that is their social group. This is basically most families around the world. Our social group normally consists of us with a single mate whom we raise children with. I believe the fact that we as humans ideally choose to settle down with a single partner and raise children has to do with our culture and not necessarily as an instinctual choice such as the siamangs. As humans most of us find it wrong to have more then one mate or parter and we call it â€Å"cheating.† However, based on my observations of the primates, it is a natural and instinctual decision to try and mate as much as possible to ensure your genetics being passed on and carried through the future since that is life’s main objective. Another example is the effects of captivity the depressed siamang suffered from. This is very common in humans as well to become anti social or depressed when placed in a small room such as a jail cell. Studying primates can help us understand more of where humans came from due to our recent shared common ancestor. We are able to see some behavior patterns from the primates found in humans as well, however there are many behavioral patterns in the primates which is uncommon for humans. For example, the gorillas tended to be in isolation and spread out throughout the enclosure for most of the time. Humans on the other hand, if having to live together for a long period of time such as the gorillas, are more likely to build a tight knit group and have lots of interactions with one another. Based on my observations, there are some behavioral patterns found in both primates and humans. However the cause of these patterns differ based on instinct and adaptations in primates compared to culture and morality in humans. I believe that by studying and observing behavioral patterns in primates, we can better understand where some of our own actions and  behaviors derived from, and whether its something that is instinctual and preprogrammed, or if it is something we have created and added to part of our culture as humans. Works Cited Cawthon Lang KA. 2005 October 4. Primate Factsheets: Gorilla (Gorilla) Behavior .

Friday, August 16, 2019

Peak – Time Executions as a Television Spectacular

Peak – time Executions as a Television Spectacular Peak-time Executions As a Television Spectacular by Ellen Goodman. Written for The Washington Post in America in 1954 and later published in the British newspaper The Guardian Weekly on April 1, 1984. The article is about how the murderer James David Autry wants his execution to be on the television and Goodman asks questions to whether or not it is okay to show the spectators that kind of violent spectacular and how it will affect them.Obviously this article was meant to create a debate when it was published those many years after in Britain. If we take a look at the different executions that occur in the article, then we get a pretty good view of how the articles main interest and opinion is negative and wants to show that it has done nothing but bring out the bad in people. Watt Espy who is an historian of capital punishment at the University of Alabama Law Center believes and has heard that violence only brings more violen ce – â€Å"[†¦] has collected tales of the violence begat by violence† (p. ll. 1-2). He gives an example of how the execution of two men in Attling, Georgia. leads to a fight between the spectators and ends with a man being killed. He states – â€Å"This was not unique† (p. 2 l. 3). By that he tells us that it was not uncommon at that time to have consequences like that happen during an execution. The people at that time didn’t handle the rush of the spectacle and of the â€Å"show† very well. It got to them and the influence of the bad situation would spread and affect the spectators.Another example of an execution giving by Goodman is when she talks about one of the last time that the public could watch an execution in America. It was August 26, 1936 that Raine Bethea was hung in front of a crowd of 10,000 people in Owensboro, Kentucky. Goodman describe the execution before and after, like it was some kind of concert or entertainment show that the spectators were about to watch. â€Å"Through the early hours of that day, â€Å"Hawkers squeezed their way through the crowd selling popcorn and hot dogs. Telephone poles and trees were festooned with spectators†. (p. 1 ll. 12-13) It reminds me of a circus, where you can buy hot dogs or an outdoor movie theater with popcorn, also Goodman writes that a vivid account by Time Magazine showed that the night before the execution of Bethea, the spectators had gone to hanging parties and drinking like the execution was something to look forward to. â€Å"By 5 o’clock, â€Å"the crowd grew impatient, began to yip, â€Å"Let’s go, bring him out†. † (p. 1 l. 14) Again the crowd shows the influence of what was going on. The bad situation had a violent effect on them.It made them seem and act almost crazy by the things Goodman describes – â€Å"At 5. 28 there was a swish, a snap. † Soon the spectators crowded in and â€Å"eager hands clawed at the black death cloth†¦ The lucky ones stuffed the bits of black cloth in their pockets†. † (p. 1 ll. 16-17) The quote says that â€Å"the lucky ones† got to go home with a piece of clothing from Bethea after he was dead, as proof that they had witnessed the execution. The way that the reaction to Bethea’s execution gets described is very harsh and cynical, like the spectators had forgotten their humanity and compassion.It is an example like this that makes Goodman bring it up. It shows how wrong it is and what impact seeing an execution can have on people. She sees no reason for bringing such a spectacle up again. For example this quote says that if we go back to the way it was back then it would most likely result in videos of the state-approved murders – â€Å"As we resume the march of state-approved murder, it seems likely that television reporters will soon be allowed to bring tools of their trade – cameras – into the death chamber, the way print reporters bring pencils† (p. ll. 21-13) â€Å"Indeed, if others have their way, we may yet tune in on death. Live at Five. We may enter the death chamber through the living room. Once again we may become spectators at executions† (p. 1 ll. 5-7) – Again when she writes â€Å"once again† she refers to it as going around 50 years back in time to when it was executions on the streets. She also uses irony with the â€Å"live at five† because it makes it sound like it was any other television show and that we could watch death â€Å"through the living room†, that doesn’t sound very appealing.By saying things like that she uses the irony to make people think about what this actually means, which is watching another human die as â€Å"entertainment† on the television in your own living room. In the article Goodman also write about arguments for and against showing executions on televisions, but not her own arguments though. â€Å"Some who favour capital punishment as a deterrent to crime are convinced that watching an execution would scare criminals straight. Some who oppose capital punishment believe that the sight would enrage the public† (p. 1 ll. 3-25) as the quote says an argument for, could be to scare the criminals so they could see what could happen to them. And an argument against could be that it would only have a bad effect on the public. â€Å"There’s no scientific way to prove in advance the effect of televised executions on crime [†¦ ] but we do know something about the effect on the â€Å"audience†. We do know something about spectators from the old days† (p. 2 l. 12, ll. 13-14) – Goodman knows that there is no way to prove what effect it would bring but she see no reason to try and test it. The descriptions of his death were graphic enough† (p. 1 l. 1) – When writing about Autry, Goodman clearly states her op inion towards the subject which if the executions should be on television or not. Like the descriptions of how Autry’s execution went in details weren’t enough? She is saying that it should be enough. That showing it on television would be over doing it. Hearing about how someone takes a man’s life on purpose would be hard enough but to actually see it happening with your own eyes would be horrifying.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Zara – SWOT Analysis

Topshop was setup in 1964 in the basement of a department store. It became part of Arcadia Group Ltd alongside shops like Miss Selfridge, Wallis, Dorothy Perkins and Outfit. Now, they have over 300 stores in the UK and ship to more than 100 countries worldwide. Oxford Circus in London is Topshop’s flagship store; they’ve also recently opened flagships in Chicago and New York.Topshop specialise in on-trend and high-fashion clothing. They sell Women’s, Baby, and Maternity. Topshop have collaborated with many designers and celebrities like Christopher Kane and Kate Moss to create fresh and unique looks. They are also the first ever high street brand in history to attend London Fashion Week.Communication is a way of passing on a message or transferring information. A business needs accurate and relevant information so they can make important decisions in order to remain competitive. There are two different types of communication; internal and external. Internal commu nication means communication within the company, for example a manager to all shop-floor staff. External communication is the company communicating with others outside of it, its customers.Topshop communicate internally and externally public in a variety of ways. One example of external communication would be Twitter. Twitter is a social networking site that has millions of users. Topshop use Twitter to interact with their customers; this may be to reveal new items, keep them up to date on events, or even handle customer complaints. By using Twitter, Topshop are keeping their customers up to date with important information as they know that most of their target market (16-34 years) use the website. Other social media Topshop use are Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest. Many departments that would use this way of communication would be Marketing, PR and IT.Email is a way of communicating both internally and externally. Internally, Topshop would use email to communicate between staff, for example Head Office emailing all staff to inform them of an upcoming event, a new range  etc. Topshop can email externally through newsletters. Newsletters (handled by IT or Marketing and PR) inform their customers of new clothing ranges, upcoming events, trend alerts, and sales. People can subscribe to these by putting their email address into the website. This way, Topshop can keep their customers up to date with important information.Another type of external communication that Topshop use is YouTube. YouTube has over 1 billion different users each month (in the UK), and Topshop use this to their advantage. They have their own channel which has over 35,000 subscribers. They upload videos daily of things such as ‘EDITED’ where a Topshop stylist will create outfits with the new collection. Or ‘5 Ways to Wear’, which showcases Topshop’s clothing. YouTube is a great way for Topshop to promote their products and also communicate with their customers. The commenting system on YouTube allows Topshop’s customers to comment on what they like and dislike, or even recommend what they’d like to see next. The IT, Marketing and PR departments would have a strong presence in this type of communication. Styling and Personal Shopping (aka customer service) would have an input too.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Hardest Decision I Ever Made

The Hardest Decision I Ever Made It was about 3 months ago when everything started; I woke up one day and got ready to go to work. Since it was the summer break my father had asked me if I could help out in the hotel because the receptionist had a surgery and couldn’t come to work for a whole month, so I accepted. I finished getting ready and left. On my way out I stopped by our letterbox because something was stuck there, (A leaf I think). I opened the letterbox and there it was: the leaflet that changed my whole life.That leaflet was not any leaflet: it was a publicity leaflet for the best rhythmic gymnastics club that was moving its training location to the public school near my house. While I was reading the leaflet, it brought back to me the memories of the years in elementary school when all of my friends did rhythmic gymnastics and I was the only one who was forced by her mother to do every single day 3 hours of ballet after school. I would always look at them playing w ith the ribbons they would bring to school or try to teach me how to do a handstand.Flexibility wasn’t a problem since in ballet I needed to be very flexible when doing the jump-split*(it’s when you jump in the air and do a sideways split while you’re in the air) also in my category I was the only girl to be able to do the perfect-split (when you do a sideways or frontal split and lean backwards and forwards with your upper body and touching the ground with your nose). Looking at the paper made me regret even more the decision I had made to quit ballet when I turned 14. The lame excuse was that studying got harder and exams were more frequent, the conclusion was: no more ballet.My mother, after a lot of convincing, accepted my decision and I no longer did ballet. Such a silly decision. I should have continued, because of that most of my flexibility is gone. On the leaflet there was a name and a phone number, it also said the first day of tryouts is free, I had a bsolutely nothing to lose, the tryouts were free, the day of the tryouts I was free, and the place was literately a 5 minutes’ walk from my house. I had no excuse not to go. The time to leave for the tryouts was close and my nerves grew bigger, What if I suck? What if I can’t do the split anymore? What if I get laughed at?All sorts of questions started to pop up in my head at the speed of light, I was really looking forward to it but at the same time I was dreading the minutes that passed by. I took my phone out and dialed my dad’s number to cancel but then it hit me, I was not the only one who was going for tryouts, other girls were going too. Other girls who might have never done rhythmic gymnastics as well! That’s why it is called tryouts, silly me! I took my bag and left the office. The weather outside was sunny but the wind was strong and cold, what’s new! The weather almost always was cold and windy here even though it was still in mid-august .We arrived and entered the building. The school gate was big and somewhat outdated, there were trees blocking the view, only a path made of stones was visible. My dad made his way through the trees and I followed behind. I trusted my father, since when he was in high school, he attended this school. The narrow stone path led to a wide and big playground outdated too, we climbed up the stairs and entered the gymnasium, once inside the teacher greeted us and told me to go over to the girls and introduce myself, I made fast friends with the girls and the lesson started.In all my 12 years of ballet and other hobbies, none made me feel so excited and happy like rhythmic gymnastics. I felt the same feeling of elegance and grace that I had felt in ballet in rhythmic gymnastics, but there was another feeling, a feeling that had been missing in ballet, I felt for the first time that I wasn’t doing it out of obligation for my mom. For the first time I was willing to go on my own.

Free Topic and bases on the text of Fitzgerald et al Internet and Essay

Free Topic and bases on the text of Fitzgerald et al Internet and E-Commerce Law (2007 Lawbook Co) - Essay Example It is now possible for people to interact and work collaboratively on a routine base across huge distances. Over all, as Fitzgerald et al suggested, it is interesting to know that such communication does not take place in any geological place but in the implicit territory of cyberspace1. Law courts all over the world have been coming in to grips with the issue of which province tends to exercise jurisdiction appropriately over the associations to cyberspace deals which have resulted in the gradual emergence of various jurisdiction principles appropriate to the internet by means of the decisions of court. As a point in fact, identification of the intricacies which are innate to such an approach may tend to cause a drift in the decisions of courts in the countries on the way to an aimed analysis for jurisdiction and away from the descending grade test positioned in various cases in the past times. As a result, this paper delineates the legal rules and regulations associated with jurisd iction along with discourses which are, although, related but are split up. Moreover, the paper draws an outline for the influences of jurisdiction on internet crimes and individual life. As put by Jew, jurisdiction, with its various interpretations, can refer to an assortment of lawful notions2 (Jew, 1998: 24). It can also be referred to as an alternative for law or an implementation of adjudication. However, in stern terms, jurisdiction can be construed as the authority of a court to settle on an issue. Whilst, the implemented law may appear to influence whether a court should refuse to practice its jurisdiction and hang about the proceedings, the High Court alleged that